We will be asking you for important information on the Registration Form. Please prepare the following to be ready to upload them onto the form:
Use the tutorial to reduce the size of your photos so that they fit into one email of no larger than 10 MB.
Continue to network with women with college degrees to ensure your recommendations and letters of support. Continue to network with sorority women on your chosen campus.
Once you have registered, consider all of the information that you have sent us. Some alumnae may be able to write a good recommendation for you without contacting you. As frustrating as that may be, PLEASE TRUST THE SYSTEM. We make every effort to get you covered with what you need for a successful recruitment.
DO NOT CONTACT US ABOUT YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS: The Masterfile Chairman will not know who has written for you. That is strictly sorority business, and not Panhellenic's.
Once you have submitted your registration, your information will be shared with alumnae recruitment chairmen of our member organizations. Organize a resume, your unofficial transcript, a close-up photo, and a full-length photo. Be ready to upload those documents to the registration form.
IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU REGISTER WITH YOUR UNIVERSITY'S PANHELLENIC ORGANIZATION. You must do that before you can participate in recruitment activities. Registration with PASA only assists by presenting you to chapters on paper; it DOES NOT enroll you in formal recruitment.